
The ultimate endgame: construct a land speed race bike from an aged Harley and push beyond 200mph at the Bonneville Salt Flats.

To bankroll this dream, Three6MC will traverse North America in a designated RV, teaming up with artists and builders from all over the continent along the way.

Generating revenue entails crafting singular, visually striking artwork for t-shirts and paraphernalia. These items will be hawked at various music, motorcycle, car, boat, and Hot Rod-themed events and races throughout Canada and the United States as well as through the online shop.

The prime audience comprises like-minded music, racing, chopper, and hot rod enthusiasts who share a fondness for rock n' roll and high-octane machines.

Building a community of backers who share this fervor is a goal. Creating a singular, profitable business will not only fund our Bonneville adventure but also cater to a specific market.

This is a one-of-a-kind and profitable opportunity to bond with like-minded folks, forging an enduring legacy in the Hot Rod, Rock N’ Roll and Racing realm.

Join Three6MC on this exhilarating ride!

Yours Truly,
